The law can be very complex. At times it requires legal expertise in order to properly protect your interests. However, there have been improvements in making some elements of the law easy to understand for persons without a legal background. Here are some links that you may find helpful to understanding better how the law affect you:


MInnesota Child Support Calculator
Minnesota: Divorce Statute
Minnesota: 13 Factors To Be Considered In Determining Custody



Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines
MInnesota: Drinking and Driving Laws



Minnesota Secretary Of State – Business Services
Minnesota Department of Employment an Economic Development



Bankruptcy Basics



The Lanners & Olson, P.A. blog is a great way to ask legal questions or discuss legal matters in an open and public forum. Although the attorneys and Lanners & Olson are prohibited from providing legal advice over the internet, these general discussions can provide a lot of value and knowledge to you at no cost. The attorneys at Lanners & Olson, P.A. are preparing the initial discussions for these pages. If you have any general topic question